Saturday, March 6, 2010

a little parenting goes a long way...

...especially when you've got an awesome kid, sent by God, created loved by Him, to be loved by you.
And! We get to live in His plan, which is also, by the way, awesome.

Today she is hilarity. Climbing in flashing glass slippers. Reading notes she wrote that include the word "panic." Confusing other people with her dream stories. Saying "break it down" A LOT. She can really speak Japanese. She really wants a little brother. She would really be a good big sister. Her friend, Kan-chan, is "otto-san." We love Purikyuwa together. She knows about God. Her yochien boshi is her favorite thing to wear. I want to give her the world. I hate making her cry. I need to start teaching her English and sewing her dolls more clothes. Thank you, God, for my daughter. Thank you that she is also your daughter. Thank you that I am also your daughter. Amen.

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