Tuesday, March 16, 2010

vitamin D

The week: heart catch precure donut shop, clanking money, japanese library, birthday party for Rosechan, Japanese rice paper balls, balloons, balloon baseball played indoors using a magic wand, tea, flowers, giving a doll a toilet for her birthday, delicious chicken onigiri with avocado...

The weekend: sunshine! playground, swings, playing catch with my husband, soccer ball, bike rides, orange sherbert, church, starbucks date for free, heartcatch precure dance, scooter, nap...
...and, better yet, friends.

happy tears

Oh, bobei, you prepared so much for Grandma and Grandpa's visit. Above is a paper gift bag full of letters and drawings and a pine twig. The picture on the front is of "Me, Grandma and Grandpa"

This is a sampling of what's inside. She also jumped on their bed for them and tried out their television. Both seem to be in order.

And here's what we left in their room downstairs because they are here! Right now! Could I have a happier little girl? Not really. Today she was dabbing at her cheeks while we talked of their arrival. She said, "Do you know why I'm crying?! Its because I'm so happy!"

Friday, March 12, 2010

i miss my garden, man

The weather is full on bipolar here. It was sunny today and I went to the garden shop to indulge myself in some nature. Well, nature in pots really, but in a huge city its hard to come by some green. This is my new friend. So buttery and orange and sweet and I want 50 more in all different colors.

And this is our entertainment for the afternoon. bobei's nendo came home from yochien today for spring vacation. You can see her snowman, my snowman, a pair of snowbunnies, a tree and butterflies.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

today, now yesterday

and the opening of heart catch precure donut shop.


Excited about cross-stitch?
You should be.
Oh my, I have been waiting since living in the states to get my hands on one of Gera's cross-stitch patterns and challenge myself to the task of finishing a cross-stitch project(something I have never done). I learned how to cross-stitch maybe in 4th grade? from a friend of my mom's. But Gera cross-stitch is like no other cross-stitch out there. Her designs are so whimsical and original I can't stand it. Cubit Alice in Wonderland? Love.

When I saw on Gera's blog that she was having an exhibit here in Tokyo I could not miss it.
About an hour ride on the train? Worth it.
Walking around for an hour in Shibuya in the rain? Worth it.
Walking for an hour in the wrong direction in the rain? Worth it.

The exhibit was held at doux dimanche, which is a boutique/gallery and its just quaint and sweet, full of fabulous design, pretty things, and nice people.

Besides trying to pick out a Gera pattern, nearly impossible, I was completely exasperated trying to choose from doux dimanche's selection of Nathalie Lete items. The girl at the counter actually asked me if I was ok because I was sighing and wandering around the tiny store for so long. I'm sure I looked crazy. Picking up things, putting them down, feeling things, putting them down, and probably sighing the whole time because it was all just too much. Too beautiful. Too hard to choose.

This is what I came back with. I chose the Thumbelina pattern for cross-stitch(I limited myself to one pattern in hopes of accomplishment), an iron-on transfer by Nathalie Lete to use for bobei's yochien bag, a few postcards and, in the corner, a magnificent Nathalie Lete handkerchief. I'm still sighing over these things. dear Japan, I love you. And I love your love of French design. sincerely, me

Saturday, March 6, 2010

a little parenting goes a long way...

...especially when you've got an awesome kid, sent by God, created loved by Him, to be loved by you.
And! We get to live in His plan, which is also, by the way, awesome.

Today she is hilarity. Climbing in flashing glass slippers. Reading notes she wrote that include the word "panic." Confusing other people with her dream stories. Saying "break it down" A LOT. She can really speak Japanese. She really wants a little brother. She would really be a good big sister. Her friend, Kan-chan, is "otto-san." We love Purikyuwa together. She knows about God. Her yochien boshi is her favorite thing to wear. I want to give her the world. I hate making her cry. I need to start teaching her English and sewing her dolls more clothes. Thank you, God, for my daughter. Thank you that she is also your daughter. Thank you that I am also your daughter. Amen.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Photo credit: the 4 year old who lives here

Today, a photo shoot with Rose-chan, sporting a lovely plum colored hand knit wool sweater made my me.
Yesterday, a crying session with bobei after seeing said plum colored hand knit wool sweater made my me.
You got me.

I knit this using a free pattern from Hillary Lang over at WeeWonderfuls. I downsized the needle size to a 7 US, for a smaller fit and left out the two lowest button holes. The buttons are from a handmade baby sweater bobei was gifted which did not completely survive. They appropriately have little white roses on them. Ah! I am itching to cast on right now. Something soothing and relaxing about stitch, stitch, stitching. I want to try making a granny square blanket for bobei, for the house, for me. Attic 24 and Posie Gets Cozy have me crazy inspired, despite my basic crocheting skills. But hey, that's how I learn/do anything.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

my table right now.

This is my dining room table right now. No joke. I haven't peed for the last two hours because I was diligently working on this ever-so-important project. I was given two pages from the Yochien moms to decorate with bobei to be put in a book of such pages for bobei's teacher. The Japanese school year ends in March and begins again in April so she will be changing classes, the kids will get mixed up a bit and she'll have a new teacher. Her teacher has been incredible. She speaks some English and has helped me and bobei in many ways. She always makes sure I know and understand upcoming events. She helps bobei by translating at times and mediating between English and Japanese friends when there is a misunderstanding. This woman is with the kids the whole day. She plays piano for them, teaches them how to play melodion, swims in the pool with them during their swimming class, chases them during gymnastics class, eats lunch with them, draws with them...and I've never seen her tired! She really is the best. She really is a blessing to us. She really translates important notices for me. She really writes bobei's "school memories" in English in her Yochien notebook. And its the cutest English you've ever read. And I love her. I want her to be my teacher. So, I really wanted our pages to be awesome. I wanted to do my best Japanese style to show my appreciation for someone so incredible. Okay here is page one:

a simple note from our whole family.
page two:

little interview with bobei about her teacher and Yochien
"I like Keiko Sensei because I love her."
"I like it when Keiko Sensei is Obake(Japanese ghost/ghoul?)"
"My favorite part of Yochien is playing Purikyuwa and playing everyday outside at sunset."
page three:

mixed media collage by bobei, this is a garden with a sun and clouds, a purple flower, grass and hearts
(I added her walking through the garden)
page four:

the big finish, signed by the queen herself
I put her saying, "Let's go!"

I really hope her teacher knows how much we appreciate her. Seeing the results of this makes me want to start scrapbooking. But considering these four tiny pages took me two and a half hours to complete, I don't think its something that would improve my sanity or anyone elses.


Monday, March 1, 2010

ooo ya ya

I'm in need of inspiration. I take that back. I feel insanely inspired. And yet my thoughts are scattered, my mind is scrolling and I'm making nothing. Thinking about making things. Dreaming that I'm in the fabric store, and when I get there in reality I can't choose. I died three times and went to Japanese designer fabric heaven and came back empty handed. Who does this? Who is in love with so many colorways and weights and kawaii that they can't process it all and end up alone? Me.

I'm in need of a place to leave notes for people so far away. In my mind I'm corresponding with all of you. I pick up the most wonderful stationary, hold it in my hands, turn it over and over and then put it back on the shelf. And the days are passing like crazy. So here it is:

Dear you,
I miss you like crazy.
I want to put you in my phone even though I can't call you internationally.
It would feel like home just to see your name there.
I forgot to do a whole bunch of shit before I left. Can you take care of it for me?
I could sure use your reassurance right now.
Let's bounce ideas off each other instead of doing other things.
I'll meet you in the garden, at Haggis, on your couch, at the park, at Starbucks.
love, love, love,

Here we go again.