Friday, May 14, 2010

the run around

This blog has become a perfect representation of my life right now. Everything is getting completely beyond my reach and I feel like I'm running to catch up to events that have already passed. To top it off, this morning I deleted a bunch of beautiful pictures from that camera of me and bobei having a good time together. In true Charlie Brown style, "ARGGGH!" The weather has finally perked up and along with it our allergies. Which means I'll probably give myself an eye infection in a few days from rubbing my germy fingers all over them. This morning we visited bobei's school for a visitation and watched them color butterflies. Thrilling 4 year old parent stuff(please read both sarcastically and sincerely because that is how I feel all at once). This morning's walk was the magnificent balance of our niche of Tokyo - Rufus Wainwright, maturing ducklings on the river, koi swimming upstream, emerald necked pigeons, the miniest dogs out for walks, and uniformed children on the way to school. With everything going on here I can barely grasp that we'll be on a plane in 13 days. I'd better catch up so I don't miss it.

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