Friday, May 21, 2010

the magic penny

When life gives you flowers, make bouquets! We whipped up these little bouquets from our own wealth of flowers and bobei took them to school for her teachers. I had two little plastic bags saved from a church Easter egg hunt with little designs on them, so we wrapped the bottom of the flowers in wet paper towels and rubber banded the plastic bags over everything. Perfect!

bobei wasn't the only one who got a magazine/catalogue combo with a present feature. I picked up this(the last one at Libro!) for myself. I just LOVE the llama! The pages of this magazine are full of scrummy pictures and all kinds of recipes for outfits, how to wear clothes, etc. I was thinking I would use this bag for Japanese class. Soulemama implements a bag functioning family system that I would like to try. My other thought is that I want that llama on a pillow, on my couch, right now.

I'm trying to pull my brain together in preparation for Florida. We leave in ONE WEEK! 3 planes. Over 18 hours. And I think I seriously need a haircut.

In pure avoidance of these pressing matters, I'm loving this idea. Have you felt this fabric??!! I want to wrap myself in it(and then sleep). Liberty of London is sold directly in Japan, I think with some exclusive releases too, but the price tag is still...*sigh*...I don't want to talk about it.

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