Saturday, October 16, 2010

i heart monchichi

I do. I love monchichi. Last week we visited Asakusa where we found some funny toy shops full of them! Purple, pink, dressed up, dressed down, wedding, shogun, you name it. I kept sighing over them and saying how much I like them. Well, my lovely husband secretly bought me one and surprised me later! So awesome! This one is designed by Shinzi Katoh, one of my favorite artists/designers, so he has a Shinzi Katoh shirt and little jeans. Have I now joined the ranks of many blogging women who collect dolls of some kind or other? Like this? Or this? Or THIS? I don't know, but bobei is smitten too and now would like her own monchichi for Christmas. Perhaps this is the start of a monchichi family...? Stay tuned.

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